FREEDOM! There are two Freedom’s I appreciate in my life. Grocery pick up, and a 16 year old grocery shopper. I have never liked going to the grocery store. Can I get a witness?? Covid gave me two freedoms. Now I know you urban people have had this for a while, but us rural country folk have to wait on the world to turn a few more times before we get life’s modern conveniences. The hallelujahs really come when ordering online and just driving up and that sweet high schooler in their first ever job in life, comes gleefully running out to your trunk without me even taking my hand off of the steering wheel. Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little, but it really feels like all the rainbows are shining when you accomplish grocery shopping like that. We needed a pandemic to hit before we could get that luxury in my neck of the woods. But then, my 16 year old who needs to work off a list of good favors to use the car – GOLDEN opportunity for a personal shopper. ITS FABULOUS. I’m just sitting here drinking my non-calorie drink working up all kinds of entrepreneurial magic and my sweet little beggar, I mean angel is getting my groceries. That’s not only being #resourceful (#resourcefullyspeaking), but that’s down right #winning. Tell me how you are winning!

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